Residential House Painters, Central Coast
Paul Dixon's Central Coast house painters are one of a kind. Well, actually they are five of a kind: a team of five reliable, trustworthy, highly skilled painters who turn up on time and clean up properly at the end of each day.
It doesn't sound a lot, but it is clear from feedback given by Central Coast clients that these domestic painters deliver exactly what's needed when there's a family home to paint.
All the residential house painters are qualified and operate under NSW licence number 163036C with an impeccably clean sheet at NSW Fair Trading. Check it out for yourself - search 'Paul Dixon Pty Ltd' on the NSW Public Register.
Central Coast local, Paul Dixon, is also a member of the Master Painters Australia NSW Association and carries $20 million public liability insurance for your peace of mind. All painters are covered by Workers' Compensation and superannuation.
Dulux accredited painter
Dulux 'accredited' means skilled painters, who have proved that they arereliable and provide quality workmanship. A Dulux accredited painter can also offer you a conditional five-year warranty.
Paul Dixon and his team of domestic painters have access to low allergy and low scent paints, so if your family has allergies, let the house painter know in advance. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all Dulux paints.
For a house painting quote on the Central Coast, please call Scott Dixon on 0417 016 093 or contact us.